Friday, October 26, 2012

Equipment and Software Update

Hello! As you may have noticed over the past year, my videos don't exactly look that professional and look low quality most of time and that is mostly due to my editing program: Pinnacle Studio. I just got Sony Vegas and will be using that from now on and I also have an HD camera that shoots videos that will look better in Sony Vegas. 

You may have noticed this so far:
Back to the Future Review- transition from webcam mic to Turtle Beach Headset (Mic)
LOST: Via Domus- new theme and intro, transition from $70 webcam to $300 camera

Later on:
November Review- transition from Pinnacle Studio 12 to Sony Vegas 11
March Review- transtion from Dazzle to HD PVR

Basically I am changing everything to try and make my videos more professional and so far the voice overs look better and I have a better intro. The video quality is better but you can't see a huge difference because of Pinnacle Studio. But when I started using Sony Vegas to edit, you will see a HUGE difference in video quality. Also, the only reason I changed my theme song was because youtube wouldn't monetize my reviews because of the theme was: Bad Selection by Deadmau5. So I changed my theme so I could monetize my future reviews. Thanks for reading and watching my videos! New review will be released this weekend...

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