Thursday, October 17, 2013

October 2013 Update

Now although the next video update is not until November, I figured I would update my subscribers on
a few videos and other stuff

1.) Altered Beast GENESIS Review (Season 3, Episode 3 - Gamer Guy's Reviews)
So I printed off the script yesterday and we will begin filming tonight.
In my opinion, this will be the best episode of the season yet. This
season just keeps getting better and better. I will begin edited the
gameplay sequences of the review tonight. We will film tonight
through Sunday. The editing will probably all be finished next weekend.
This episode will be posted on October 30.

2.) Let's Play Saints Row 4: Part 1 (Season 3, Episode 1 - Let's Play...)
The first Let's Play of Season 3 of Let's Play will be next week. I
recently bought the game and I will be doing a co-op series with
my friend Jakob. Episode 1 of this series for my Let's Play show
will be posted by October 28th

3.) Let's Play Ghostbusters NES (Season 3, Episode 2 - Let's Play...)
The only other Let's Play episode in October will be posted
on Halloween. I will be playing Ghostbusters for the NES. I
will be recording it and editing it this weekend.

4.) TBA (Season 2, Episode 1 - Let's Play Minecraft)
All upcoming seasons ever of Let's Play Minecraft will be from
October to July. I started the first season very late due to
computer problems but since I finally got a new computer
I did a short Season 1. Season 2 will be starting sometime
this month. I am probably going to do it with a couple friends
except we don't know what we are going to do in Season 2 yet.
I also don't know who is playing. Hopefully Episode 1 of Season
2 will be released this month.

5.) Episode 4 (Season 1, Episode 4 - Game Collecting Hunters)
Episode 1 and 2 were Game Hunting adventures. Episode 3 was just showing
some recent games we purchased. I don't know what Episode 4 will be yet. I
do know it will not be until the end of November though. It may be split between
recent purchases and one hunting adventures

-New video update coming November 3rd
-New Game Collecting Update coming October 28th

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Collection/Review Update

So my collection is no longer in the basement and is now in my room. You can check out what the room is like and what games I still own if you watch my two upcoming videos:

-Game Collection Update #4
-Gaming Setup 2013

I finally got my new laptop and so i'm finally able to start editing reviews again. I will be working on Disney Games today through next week and I will hopefully post it this month. There will also be one more review after that and then Season 2 of Gamer Guy's Reviews will be finished. Season 3 will begin in September. I also have two other videos planned for May.